Sometimes windsurfing can be life changing, in this blog we meet an extraordinary young person called Tanis, smashing barriers and rising to the top!
From initially taking part in six The Official Test Centre (OTC) wellbeing sessions with his school, to then attending The OTC HAF holiday club and currently The OTC Team15 club, Tanis is a success story on so many fronts, his own battles with tourettes are left on the shore and he is now helping other youngsters on the water with his new found confidence and passion for windsurfing.
His story is a real sliding doors moment and breaking down the misconceptions that windsurfing is NOT an elitest sport only for the privileged and those who can afford it, here at The OTC we are passionate about inclusivity and making sure every young person that wants the opportunity to get on the water can have that chance, there are no barriers here, the power of the sea to change lives is astonishing and we are creating a wave of change! Read this blog and be Blown away by the power of windsurfing to change a life!
By Emma Nicholson.

Tanis's mum, Annemarie Fairclough said: "Tanis was offered six sessions through the school iniatially, that was just before the summer holidays last year. The school came to me with the proposition of doing six sessions at The Official Test Centre (OTC) and of course we snapped that up! He did the six sessions then The OTC were kind enough to offer him another six sessions. Then for his birthday we got him another six sessions. He just adored it. It was worth keeping him rolling, then ever since The OTC has sponsored him.
"Getting him out of the house and doing something with a positive nature, getting him to come out of his own comfort zone and to push him to strive for that, windsurfing was something we would have never have looked at for him, just because of the cost alone, but actually The OTC is so cost effective for families like ourselves that it was an absolute blinding opportunity to get him going.
"After his first taste of windsurfing Tanis was absolutely blown away by it! It was a completely new experience for him, the team that were here were really warm and welcoming with him. He introduced himself he said 'hi I am Tanis I have got tourettes' everyone was like that isn't an issue. He talked about it for days and days. All he could think about was getting back on the water the following week.
"It was so lovely to see him finding enthusiasm for something new, something he really wanted to step outside and wanted to do. He likes something that is quite physical anyway and he loves to learn a new skill. So being out on the water gave him that opportunity to really take advantage of learning new skills and getting to know new people.
"From the moment he started down here with the initial six sessions, he knew he wanted to do his work experience down here with The OTC, so when they gave him his second lot of six sessions he asked if he could do his work expeirience and Kerry Knight, Schools Project Manager at The OTC said it would be an absolute pleasure to have you. So he had sorted out his work experience a whole year before he needed to do anything like that.

"HAF we started in April this year, the HAF club and coming down and doing that here. I got to meet one of the other mums that was here the other day, Tracy, she has two children in the HAF club and she told me how Tanis had really helped her girl step out of her confidence zone, she had had a little wobble on the water and Tanis had been there to see her through and help her get back up on her board and get out.
"It is so rare these days to get kids to step out of the house and off the computer game or mobile phone they are such a technology generation so seeing him out here enjoying the facilities right here on our doorstep right here getting to know the seasons and what he can do on the sea is fantastic.

"I think Tanis gets an absolute sense of pleasure and joy from being out there, the big open water and the absoloute freedom of riding the waves. He loves to zip back and forth, he has never missed a session. He has done all winter long. You couldn't have kept him off the water if you had tried.
"I am really hoping Tanis will take it all the way, becoming an instructor, or wherever he wants to go with it we will absolutely support him in that endevour.
"Whoever I meet, especially if they have got children and they say I can't get the kids outside the door, check out The OTC send them windsurfing for a couple of hours, I think there is a misconception that it is a really expensive sport. Whereas The OTC gives them something with Team15 that is cost effective. It is there within every parents pocket to send their kids out on the water for a couple of hours. Without it breaking the bank.

"I am so proud of Tanis what he has achieved in such a short space of time. He has really made himself at home here and the team have made him feel part of the team aswell. They have made him feel really at home. He has really integrated himself into it. He has come such a long way, I look forward to the emails from Kerry saying we are going to push him to the next level. Which I now hear is foiling which is a bit terrifying, bit I have said to Kerry if that's what he wants to do go for it. Wherever he wants to go you take him because I trust them implicitly with Tanis.
"Tanis's story is a real message of get out there and do it, if you don't try you will never know. Even if you try and you fall off your board a couple of times you need to get back up and do it again, it is all here just come and enjoy the facilites that are right at your fingertips.
"I really think Tanis's time at The OTC will help him in other areas of his life. He bought himself down here, he has had to learn to get on with people. Meet strangers and come down and be brave and I do think that skill will come across in life if you try you can achive anything as long as you thrown yourself into it.
"The OTC team I can't praise them enough everytime I speak to Kerry I tell her how amazing they have been with Tanis and I can not thank the OTC enough for the opportunities they have given him and they keep giving him to get out there and keep pushing him to achieve.
"I think for Tanis's tourettes it is very theraputic for him, I think it is one of the very few places where he doesn't have to think about his Tourettes, he doesn't have to think about his ticks he is out there and stress free and just living his best.
"I think when you are out on the water it is for everybody and it is inclusive, it is not just for one type of person, it is for everybody and achieve what they want to. Keep watching because Tanis will keep pushing and keep going as long as The OTC keep pushing him."

Tanis said: "I get tonnes of fun going out on the water, it gets me out of the house. I had never tried windsurfing before I was always stuck inside the house, not really doing much, sitting around doing nothing.
"When I go out on the water I feel very free in a way and if it is very windy you just go flying and it is so much fun. It makes me feel really good when I am out there.
"I would say to other young people, just go for it. it does feel really fun It is certainly worth giving it a go and try it.
"I would like to give instructing a go, it does seem like a very fun option. I have met tonnes of new friends.
"It is so much fun. It is definitely worth giving it a go and having a try. Tonnes of fun,This is definetly one of many things I will definitely do for the rest of my life."
Feeling inspired why not start your windsurfing journey with us at The OTC, call the centre on 07817 717904.