Are you spontaneous? Are you up for a challenge? Are you a foiler? What are you doing this weekend? How about heading to Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy tomorrow and taking part in the first foiling fleet at The UK Windsurfing Association (UKWA) event? Join The Official Test Centre Team Riders and like minded watersports enthusiasts on the tour.
Be part of history, as the UKWA have announced a brand new dedicated foil fleet for the 2024 slalom tour. It joins their existing fleets on the circuit! The new dedicated foil fleet will be open to all foil sailors. All foils will race together, however results will be split into two fleets sails up to 7m and sails above 7m. Ideal for any recreational set up, iQFOiL and formula foil sailors. I speak to UKWA Chairman Bob Ingram and get the low-down on this fleeting chance to change the future of the UKWA!
By Emma Nicholson.

Bob said: "We hope this will give the opportunity for more sailors to join the tour. Up to now unless you join the international fleet there has been no way to race a foil, but the international fleet also means you need traditional fin kit to make the most of the weekend. It’s clear many sailors such as the IQFOiL sailors and Formula Foil sailors may not own such equipment, therefore the inclusion of a foil only fleet gives them the chance to join us. This is a win for the UKWA as it should increase entries but also a great opportunity for the IQFOiL sailors to practice their slalom skills in a competitive environment."

Why was it decided to add the brand new dedicated foil fleet?
Bob said: "Particularly with the growth of IQFOiL there are now many sailors that either choose only to foil or have known nothing else. Previously they were excluded from slalom racing, now with this new fleet they have the same opportunity as everyone else to enjoy slalom racing in all conditions 7knots+ with the UKWA."

What difference will this new foil fleet make to the future of the UKWA?
Bob said: "Any new fleet as with the recent inclusion of WingFoils helps to guarantee the future, for the ukwa and therefore it is a win for all competitors."

This weekend's event the forecast looks perfect, what are you looking forward to the most?
Bob said: "We are looking forward to some solid racing all weekend which can sometimes be a challenge for slalom racing. With five fleets we will see some exciting racing and with one or two innovations scheduled for this event maybe even a few surprises. For sure we will see some tired but happy faces by Sunday afternoon."

What would you say to someone that hasn't raced at a UKWA event, but is interested in this new foil fleet?
Bob said: "The UKWA is a very welcoming community, the shore team, the race officials and the other competitors always welcome newcomers. Come along and give it a try ask us all the questions you want everyone here once attended their first event, most get hooked and come back time after time. Of course we also benefit from a great race team out on the water to keep everyone safe and secure which is appreciated by all."

The Official Test Centre Team Riders will be at the event this weekend and if you need any safety kit to take part in the racing SurfDoctor has everything you need, from helmets to impact vests. More information about the new UKWA fleet can be found by clicking here.